2018, Issue 201-202, p. 75-84
Original scientific paper
UDC: 614.841.42:630(497.113 Deliblatska peščara)
2018, Issue 201-202, p. 75-84
Original scientific paper
UDC: 614.841.42:630(497.113 Deliblatska peščara)
Vulnerability and Preventive Measures to Protect the Area of Deliblatio Sands from Forest Fire
Saša Pekeč 1*, Milan Drekić 1, Marina Katanić 1
1 University of Novi Sad, Institute of Lowland Forestry and Environment, Novi Sad, Serbia
Corresponding author:
Saša Pekeč, E-mail: pekecs@uns.ac.rs
The area of Deliblato sands is largely endangered by damage caused by forest fires. The damage caused by forest fires primarily destroys the vegetation cover of Deliblato sands, forest trees, bushes and grassland formations established for the of the sand "movement" prevention and occurrence of eolic erosion in that area, resulting in economic and environmental damage. The paper presents the potential vulnerability of this area to forest fires, the structure of areas and indicates the zones of increased vulnerability regarding the structure and distribution of forest vegetation. Biological and technical measures are also presented on the basis of which preventive action is taken to protect against possible occurrence of forest fires.
Keywords: forest fire, Deliblato sands, preventive measures