2020, Issue 206, p. 5-11
Original scientific paper
DOI: https://doi.org/10.5937/topola2006005V
UDC: 582.639.412: 631.53
Effect of IBA and TIBA on rhizogenesis of Wild cherry in vitro
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Nowadays, considerable attention is paid to wild cherry (Prunus avium L.) due to its economic and ecological importance. This fast-growing noble tree species is highly valued in furniture industry, while preservation and restoration of its genetic variability is closely related to preservation of biodiversity in general. Along with its importance there is high interest in vegetative propagation of interesting wild cherry genotypes, especially by means of tissue culture. This technique provides relatively fast propagation and production of healthy planting material. Obtained plants are used for the establishment and improvement of seed orchards or the establishment of clonal plantations dedicated for wood production. Important phase in micropropagation of wild cherry is rooting.
In this work, results of application of indole-3-butyric acid (IBA) and 2,3,5-triiodobenzoic acid (TIBA) in rooting medium are presented, as well as the effect of medium pH. After thirty-five days of in vitro cultivation, results of analysis of variance suggested significant effect of examined treatments on variation of parameters of rooting and survival of wild cherry explants. The best rooting and shoot growth were obtained on treatments based on modified of MS medium with 20 µIBA and pH 5.8.
Keywords: Prunus avium, root, growth and development