2024, Issue 214, p. 51-57
Original scientific paper
DOI: 10.5937/topola2414051P
UDC: 582.623:595.766(497.113)
Outbreaks of the jewel beetles (Coleoptera: Buprestidae) in willow and poplars plantations in the period from 2022 to 2024
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The paper presents the results of monitoring the reproduction of the poplar (Melanophila picta Pall.) on plantations of black poplars clones. In several localities in Vojvodina, damages from this insect were noted and the intensity of the attack was determined. During the year 2022, the attack was confirmed in Gornji Podunavlje at several localities in Apatinski rit, Monoštorski šume and Labudnjača locality. The total attacked area in 2022 was 178.8 hectares. In 2024, the damage from jawel beetles was identified in the white willow plantations at the Branjevina location in the Odžaka municipality on an area of 5.01 hectares. Prolonged drought and high temperatures led to the physiological weakening of plants, which therefore became more susceptible to the attack of this pests. For control of jewel beetles on polars and willows felling of trees and burning of the above-ground attacked part and treatment with insecticides are recommended.
Keywords: jewel beetles, Melanophila picta Pall., poplar, willow, damage.