2024, Issue 214, p. 5-16
Original scientific paper
DOI: 10.5937/topola2414005N
UDC: 582.623.2:549.25(497.11)
Distribution of trace elements in forest soils in the area of Northern Serbia
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The research was conducted in the area of Northern Serbia. The lowland hygrophilous forests of Gornji Srem where pedunculate oak is the dominant tree species were studied. In the paper was investigated the content of essential and non-essential heavy metals (Cu, Zn, As, Mn, Co, Pb, Ni, Cd) on two different soil types: hydromorphic (fluvisol) and automorphic (chernozem). Three experimental plots were analyzed on each soil type. Soil loading with heavy metals was studied by soil horizons. Based on the obtained results, it was established that the concentrations of all elements are within the allowed concentrations, except for nickel (Ni), whose values on some experimental plots and horizons exceed the maximum allowed concentrations. Content of all investigated elements are higher on fluvisol, except for As, whose amount is similar on both soil types. The obtained results indicate that the loading of heavy metals in both soil types is within the allowed limits and there is no significant negative impact on the development and production characteristics of the forest ecosystems located in researched area.
Keywords: pedunculate oak, fluvisol, chernozem, heavy metals, contamination.
Supplementary Information: Electronic supplementary material is available at the following LINK.