2024, Issue 213, p. 33-41
Original scientific paper
DOI: 10.5937/topola2413033S
UDC: 595.78(497.11)
2024, Issue 213, p. 33-41
Original scientific paper
DOI: 10.5937/topola2413033S
UDC: 595.78(497.11)
Acleris lacordairana (Duponchel, 1836) (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) – a new species in the fauna of the Republic of Serbia and Southern Europe found in the third level of protection of the Special Nature Reserve "Gornje Podunavlje"
1 University of Novi Sad, Institute of Lowland Forestry and Environment, Novi Sad, Republic of Serbia
2 Agroprotekt doo, Sombor, Republic of Serbia
3 Public Enterprise "Vojvodinasume", Petrovaradin, Republic of Serbia
Corresponding author:
Dejan V. Stojanović, E-mail: dejanstojanovic021@yahoo.co.uk
Acleris lacordairana (Duponchel, 1836) (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae: Tortricini) was recorded for the first time for the fauna of the Republic of Serbia. The species was discovered during October 2023, in the "Gornje Podunavlje" Special Nature Reserve within the area of the third level of protection. Its findings in the middle of the Pannonian Basin are also the first documented findings of this species in southern Europe. This study is the first contribution to the knowledge of the fauna of micromoths (Lepidoptera, Tortricidae) in the "Gornje Podunavlje" Special Nature Reserve.
Keywords: Acleris lacordairana, Tortricidae, fauna, Special Nature Reserve, Serbia