2022, Issue 209, p. 25-30
Original scientific paper
DOI: 10.5937/topola2209025S
UDC: 595.78(497.11)
Acontia melanura (Tauscher, 1809) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) - very rare species in the fauna of Serbia
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Acontia melanura (Tauscher, 1809) is an Eurasian noctuids species. It is present in Eastern Romania (Bleak Sea coastal area) and Bulgaria, as well as in southeastern European part of Russia, including the southern Urals. In 2019 and 2020, A. melanura was found in northeastern Serbia at the locality Korn in the Special Nature Reserve "Deliblatska peščara", and this was the westernmost finding of this species in Europe. A. melanura is considered as a vulnerable species in the Red List of Noctuidae of Serbia. However, it is mistakenly confused (due to disputed taxonomic affiliation) with Acontia urania (Frivaldsky, 1835), which was declared as the one of two extinct species in this list. This research proves the existence of A. melanura in Banat, with presented overview of the localities and dates of findings of the species. Also, the similarity of the spread of A. melanura and related species Ponemetia candefacta (Hübner, [1831]) in the Republic of Serbia in the light of climate change was pointed out.
Keywords: Acontia melanura, Special Nature Reserve, fauna Lepidoptera, distribution, morphology