2021, Issue 207, p. 11-20
Original scientific paper
DOI: https://doi.org/10.5937/topola2101011K
UDC: 582.681.81:630*2
Establishment of white poplar clonal plantations by stools
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The results of white poplar clonal plantation establishment by stools are presented. The trials were established at three sites, characterized by favorable water regime for growth and development of poplars. Also, the effect of different factors on survival rate, diameter at breast height and plants’ height was analyzed. Results suggest that similar high survival rate (90-100%) was achieved by planting of stools on depth of 2.5 m (deep planting), as it was achieved by planting of rooted cuttings at the depth of 0.8 m, which is a comon practise in the establishment of white poplar plantations. The survival rate of planted stools did not decrease signifficantly between the end of the first and second growing season. Selected clones achieved survival rate of Villafranca clone with both methods of planting. Two-year old rootless shoots (2/0 type of plantings) achieved higher survival rate than the one-year old ones (1/0 type) and two-year old rooted cuttings (2/2 type). Survival rate of one-year old rootless shoots (1/0 type) planted at the depth of 0.8 m was not significantly lower than of those planted at the depth of 2.5 m, but it was notably lower than survival rate of rooted cuttings (1/1 type). Establishment of white poplar clones by stools could significantly improve white poplar wood production, considering the benefits of plants production in stool beds. The potential for improvement of the establishment of white poplar plantations on sandy soils with relatively deep level of underground water, and the potential for successful planting of difficult-to-root white poplar genotypes, should be the subject of further studies.
Keywords: Populus alba, deep planting, stool bed