Level of Crude Protein and Population Density in Artificial Breeding of Pheasant
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The influence of diet on six week old pheasants in artificial breeding is presented in this work. Two mixtures with two levels of proteins (with 30% and 26% of proteins) until the age of four weeks, and then where used mixtures with 24% and 20% of proteins. The mixtures are made of plant and animal components with essential amino- acid methionin in addition. Every level of proteins is used for two densities, 550 and 450 units per box, so pheasants was performed on for groups of pheasants. The meassurement of body mass of live pheasants was performed three times: 0, 15 and 42 after establishment of experiment, so 2000 pheasants were measured each time. Statistically significant differences among groups (p<0.01), while average massess were 20.75 , 64.33, and 340.87 g. for the first, second and third measurement, respectively. The food consumption, daily consiumption per pheasant, and food consumption foor production of one kilogram of increment are presented with data for pheasant mortality by groups and days of development.
Keywords: pheasant, diet, protein level, population density, body mass, food consumption, mortality