Contribution to Research Characteristic of Soil in the Flooding Part of Central Tisa Basin
Saša Pekeč 1*, Petar Ivanišević 1, Saša Orlović 1
1 University of Novi Sad, Institute of Lowland Forestry and Environment, Novi Sad, Serbia
Corresponding author:
Saša Pekeč, E-mail:
The paper studied the characteristics of soil in the middle of the Tisa River flood. Investigated soil is formed in the central part riparian zone of the Tisa River in two phases. In the first phase formed in fossil soil with high content of colloidal clay, which is in the second phase covered the new (recent) also clayey layers. The upper parts of soil were taken for the construction of the embankment more than 150 years, after which it was formed the present soil, variety of fluvisol, double layer with fossil soil, morphological structure of Aa-Gso-Ab- Gr. This soil is clayey, poorly secured organic matter, poor carbonates, neutral pH values. This soil used for cultivation of selected varieties of black poplar.
Keywords: fluvisol, double layer with fossil soil, riparian zone, Tisa