Monitoring of Swarming of Platypus cylindrus Fab.
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Oak pinhole borer (Platypus cylindrus Fab.) is one of the most significant insects that damage oak timber on log camps. By bilding coridors in the wood, adults of oak pinhole borer considrably lower the price of timber. Thus, the logs protection is necessarry. The time of swarm of this species is determined by pheromon traps in pedunculate oak stands in the area of Morović and on sampled timbers in insectarium of the Institute of lowland foretsry and environment during 2011 and 2012. The results of monitoring suggest that swarming of P. cylindrus beggins at the end of May or beginning of June, and the highest swarming intensity was recorded in the second half of June. In the insectarium it was found that swarming of adults ends by the end of the second decade of July, while the catch of adults continued till the end of August. Pheromone traps atracted adults, so they could be used for swarming monitoring and the detrmination of term for the application of meaures for timber protection form oak pinhole borer.
Keywords: monitoring, swarming, pheromone traps, Platypus cylindrus