2022, Issue 210, p. 65-72
Original scientific paper
DOI: 10.5937/topola2210065P
UDC: 582.681.82: 551.555(497.113)
2022, Issue 210, p. 65-72
Original scientific paper
DOI: 10.5937/topola2210065P
UDC: 582.681.82: 551.555(497.113)
Windstorms in poplar clones plantations in Vojvodina Province
Predrag Pap 1*, Verica Vasić 1, Leopold Poljaković-Pajnik 1, Milan Drekić 1, Miroslav Marković 1, Milica Zlatković 1, Dejan V. Stojanović 1
1 University of Novi Sad, Institute of Lowland Forestry and Environment, Novi Sad, Serbia
Corresponding author:
Predrag Pap, E-mail: pedjapap@uns.ac.rs
In this paper, the occurrence, frequency, and character of stormy winds in clonal poplar plantations in Vojvodina Province were studied in the period from 2016-2021 years. 10 large gusts of stormy winds were recorded, which caused enormous damage to poplar plantations. Depending on the strength of the wind, the age of the plants, and the state of soil moisture, the damage was reflected in windbreaks, windbreaks, and wind bending of trees.
Keywords: windstorm, poplar clone plantations, Vojvodina Province