Production of Reproduction Material of the Selected Black Poplar (section Aigeiros Duby) Clones Depending on the Clone and the Planting Space in Rooting Beds
Siniša Andrašev 1*, Savo Rončević 1, Petar Ivanišević 1
1 University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Agriculture, Institute of Lowland Forestry and Environment, Novi Sad, Serbia
Corresponding author:
Siniša Andrašev, E-mail:
The production parameters of reproduction materials were studied for six selected black poplar clones, Section Aigeiros (Duby), cultivated by five different planting spaces in rooting beds (from 1.30 x 0.05 m to 1.30 x 0.15 m). The study clones (I-214, M-1, PE 19/66, B-229, B-81, S 6-7) showed different reactions regarding the sizes of rooted cuttings for the production of cuttings, depending on the applied planting spaces. The cuttings obtained from rooted cuttings cultivated in different planting spaces, show that the clones differ to the extent that they require different production technologies of reproduction material - varietal technology.
Keywords: poplar clones, planting spaces, rooted cuttings, cuttings