2011, Issue 187-188, p. 85-98
Original scientific paper
UDC: 632.7:582.632.2 (497.11 Stara Planina)
Ectomycorrhizal Types on Beech from Stara Planina
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Beech forests that make almost one half of forestry fond in Serbia have important function in biomass production and influence on environmental status. On the other hand ectomycorrhizal fungi are of the main significance for establishment, growth and survival of most trees in temperate and boreal forests. The aim of this study was to describe and identify ectomycorrhizal types in the beech stand at the Stara planina mountain (South eastern Serbia). Different types of ectomycorrhiza were observed, described and identified. Identification of fungal partner in ectomycorrhiza was obtained with morphological and anatomical characterization according to published descriptions. Twenty four ectomycorrhizal types were found. Boletus chrysenteron Bull., Cenococcum geophilum Fr., Cortinarius bolaris (Pers.: Fr.) Fr., Geastrum fibriatum Fr., Genea hispidula Berk. & Br., Fagirhiza setifera, F. fusca, Lactarius blennius Fr., L. palidus Pers.:Fr., L. rubrocinctus Fr., L. subdulcis Bul:Fr., L. vellereus (Fr.) Fr., Russula mairei Sing. and R. veternosa Fr. were identified to the species level, three types were determined to the genus level (Russula sp., Tomentella sp. and Tuber sp.) and seven types remained unidentified. Most of the observed species were recorded on beech across Europe. In addition to the published descriptions, ectomycorrhiza of fungus Russula veternosa Fr. on beech was identified and briefly described.
Keywords: diversity of ectomycorrhizae, identification of ectomycorrhizae, beech, Stara planina, Russula veternosa Fr