Monitoring of Microclimatic Conditions in Poplar Plantations
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In paper we shown a microcliamtic conditions in the poplar plantation in August 2008 and 2010. year. Research was in the years with higher mean annual air temperature in relation to normal for the period 1961-1990. The differences between studied years are reflected in the amount of rainfall (in 2008. years – deficit, and in 2010 surplus of rainfall). Analysis of microclimate conditions included analysis of temperature, relative humidity and the amount of radiation. Analysis of mean, minimum and maximum daily air temperature indicates a difference in the microclimate in the poplar plantation. In 2008. were recorded higher mean daily temperature on most days. In the years of research increase in air temperature led to a decrease in relative humidity, and thus to unfavorable conditions for the growth of trees.
Keywords: microclimate, poplar plantation, climate change