The Use of Some Neonicotinoids in Control of Chrysomela populi L.
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Poplar leaf beetle (Chrysomela populi L.) is one of the major insect defoliators occurring in poplar and willow nurseries, and plantations during the first years after their establishment in Serbia. Results of studying the efficacy of three insecticides from neonicotinoide group (Actara 25 WG, Calypso 480 SC and Confidor 200 SL) used to control this noxious insect are shown in this paper. Studies of the potential larvae control were done in a one-year old poplar stand, and testing with respect to the effects of contact and intestinal effects on imago was done in controlled conditions. All three applied insecticides showed efficient contact effect on imago. The most efficient intestinal effect on imago was observed when insecticide Calypso 480 SC was applied, while Actara 25 WG (84,62%) and Confidor 200 SL (76,92 %) showed significantly lower efficacy. Tested preparations have shown high efficacy regarding the control of larvae of C. populi.
Keywords: Chrysomela populi L., control, efficacy, neonicotinoids